Identify market-moving opportunities by filtering through thousands of stocks
Together with Gamma Levels, the Options and Momentum Screeners are a powerful tool to identify market-moving opportunities by filtering through thousands of stocks every day, identify stocks that are experiencing market momentum and combine the power of Technical Analysis and Option Data to enhance your trading.
Never miss an opportunity
Stocks Screeners allow investors to filter and search for specific stocks or securities that meet predefined criteria. These criteria can be based on various factors, including fundamental, technical, and other quantitative parameters. Stock screeners allow investors to filter and sort through a vast universe of stocks quickly and never miss an opportunity.
With the Menthor Q Screeners you can now receive a daily list of stocks matching quantitative parameters. By leveraging our quantitative models you can now find the most relevant assets and enhance your research.
Why use Menthor Q Screeners?
Together with Gamma Levels, the Options and Momentum Screeners are a powerful tool to:
✅ Screen for Stocks leveraging quantitative factors coming from the options market
✅ Screen based on primary Key Levels and market positioning
✅ Identify stocks that are experiencing market momentum
✅ Combine the power of Technical Analysis and Option Data to enhance your trading
Tutorial on Menthor Q Options Screeners
Check out our Video Tutorial on the Options Screeners.
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