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Project Update – November 2023

We have finally released our new website: MENTHORQ.COM, and have already received positive feedback from the community. 

We are trying to simplify your journey and allow you to find information as soon as possible. All of the most important information are located under the Resources Section. 

Under the News Flow you will find all our new daily content as well as the weekly newsletter that you are currently reading. This will help you to stay up to speed without daily content, and our weekly education material as well as updates on the project. The next important section is the Guides.

On the left hand side of the guides you will find an index column that will help you navigate through all of our content. You will find educational material if you are getting started, but also more advanced one. Please let us know if the simplified navigation helps you find the content you need.

What is next? 

By the 15th of December we will be ready with our Option Screeners. Stocks Screeners allow investors to filter and search for specific stocks or securities that meet predefined criteria. 

These criteria can be based on various factors, including fundamental, technical, and other quantitative parameters.  With the Menthor Q Screeners you can now receive a daily list of stocks matching quantitative parameters. By leveraging our quantitative models you can now find the most relevant assets and enhance your research.

The screeners will be a great tool, because every morning you will have stocks, index and ETFs screened based on certain parameters. This is what our screeners will be based on:

  • Key Greek Levels screeners: here you will find different screeners that filter based on the key gamma levels from our models. An example, will be the filter Call Resistance + High Positive Net Gex. This type of screener will help you find stocks that have more potential to see a roll higher of the Call Resistance level, hence find assets that have more potential for breakout.
  • Volatility Screeners: as we know volatility is mean reverting. We will use IV rank, Low/High Gex volatility ratios and so on. The objective is to find assets that allow you to sell options or assets where a potential volatility breakout is possible.
  • Gamma Levels: we want to look at assets by monitoring gamma and delta. GEX and DEX become the key parameters here. Here we look at the changes in Net Gex, DEX and Open Interest to identify areas of change in the option chain. We also monitor GEX and open interest close to expiry. Again this way we can identify possible volatility or market moves. 
  • Volume and Open Interest: here we monitor unusual activity with aim to track market outliers

Here you can find an example of how these screeners will work. They will be found in their own section in the BOT. 

Trade Structuring Channel

Finally, next week we will be finalizing the new Trade Structuring Channel in Discord. This is going to become another key tool. It will help you to read better our models, put them into context and use them to structure a trade. We will have a key dedicated member of the team to run the channel. 

Questions can be asked within the channel. We are very excited about this new features, because it should really help speed up your learning and understanding of our model. 

That has been one of the key requests that you have made since the inception, a way to simplify what we have offering. On that note, we are also finalising all of the answers that you have sent us in the last six months. 

We have created a file with questions from students that took the course and premium users. The file is already 40 pages long, and we think it will be another additional education tool to help you. 

The file will be available for free to anyone that bought the course and our premium subscribers. This will be sent out to you the first week of December. 

The Menthor Q Team

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